Just my journal..


School starts in less than a week. O M G. Tak puas lagi ni!! Tak puas!! Eh over tetiba.

Ok so disebabkan alasan (di atas; sekolah dah nak mula) yg tidak boleh dielakkan, aku pun dgn 'sukarela'nya mengadakan aktiviti gotong royong membersihkan rak buku. Rak aku je, adik, kakak? Jgn harap! :p

Tengah selongkar, terabur buku sana sini nak agihkan yg mana boleh guna lagi dgn yg mana patut dibuang tiba-tiba.. aku pun terjumpa buku 'journal' yg dah terperosok dihimpap buku-buku lain. Journal ni sebenarnya Teacher Irni aka cikgu english suruh buat sbb nak improve spelling and grammar. Kut. Ok takpe aku buat jugak sometimes drpd kena buat essays, kan?

Teringin pulak nak baca apa yg aku tulis dlm tu sbb dah bertahun lamanya abaikan dia (ceh bertahun tak tahan tu padahal baru a few months) so... aku dengan penuh penghayatan pun bacalah journal sendiri sambil tersengih-sengih. Pahal? Gila? Nope. Waras lagi. Just.. expression aku bila baca was like

"Is it really me wrote all these stuffs?!" O.o

Kelakor tahu? Grammar tunggang langgang itu sudah pasti tp ni ditambah lagi dgn ayat poyo nak mati. Maybe terlalu eksited kut time tulis tu, sbb rasa mcm dah ada diari sendiri. First time tu.

So shall I write some of it here? Yang I rasa patut ditulis lah, 'diari' supposed to be a secret kan? Takpe, saja nak menghebahkan kepoyoan diri sendiri kpd org ramai. Ah lantak pun boleh lah kepoyoan.

Only if you're willing to read ok.. atas kerelaan sendiri.

Aku lompat terus ke jornal 5 sbb yg before journal 5 mcm tahi. Entah hape hape aku tulis.

Journal 5 - My Wishlist 
I have done listed up my wishes. Well actually it's infinity but I shortened it off. For now, I only listed up some wishes if I get straight As for PMR.
First of all, I should claim with my parents an iPad. The latest would be awesome. If I really receives this from them, I would cut off the other wishes. 
Second, of course to get a new phone. And it should be from Apple, iPhone. But, I don't really care, as long as it is a touch screen and latest outcomer, I'll be hyper-happy.
The last one is a camera. I mean it owns by myself, not my family. This is my dream come true if I get a DSLR. I love photography and I'm such a cameraholic.

*noticed the word 'outcomer'? Idk why did I even wrote that if takde dlm mana-mana dictionaries. I think what I meant by it, was "keluaran" Keluaran terbaharu gitu.

Journal 12 - Midget 
People can ask me anything except for my height. If they do so, that means they are asking for a death wish. I'm just kidding. I'm short and I know it. I hate milk so much, that's why I'm stunted. But being a shorty doesn't bring lots of disadvantages. Like most people say, short means cute. 'Most people' 
This happened once. My friend's mother wanted to book three tickets to watch an above 18-years-old movie. My friend can lie about her age as she is as tall as a giraffe. Occurred some negotiations there between my friend's mother and the supervisor. He won't pass my ticket as he said "I can give to you two, but not to that little girl 
I was annoyed but I like the word 'little'. So as a result, my friend and I chose other movie and we have to be in the separate room with her mother.

*ok overall, I think this was the poyo-est.. and gedik-est and.. lawak-est.

Journal 14 - Future 
My classmate once asked me when I'll be getting married, how many children I dream to have and what characteristics should have in my future husband. What weird questions. That classmate was a guy by the way. Awkward~ 
I couldn't ran away from his questions, so I answered them straight-forwardly. Honesty is important right? Um what am I talking about? 
I said I want to get marry at the age of 25 and above. My children would be 4, in shaa Allah. But wait, I don't told him what are the types of my ideal guy. I was too shy to talk about it. As I write this journal, I laughed out loud at my words. 
p/s : I'm not daydreaming or that desperate to get married. I'm still studying. I just planned for my future... or is it too early? 

*Comment from Pn Irni was :

"I started praying for a 'good' spouse when I was 16 years old.. without fail I asked from Allah in my daily prayers, to be
blessed with a good/understanding/trustworthy/etc..
husband. Alhamdulillah, sleeping with one now.
I don't go for tall, dark and handsome. Yikes!!!

Journal 22 - Housewife 
During holidays, as I told in my 20th journal, I just stayed at home. I was also like practicing for my marriage life. I did all the works here since my sister is working. I washed all the clothes, tidied up the house and even made the breakfasts for my siblings every morning.  
The worst work ever to do was to iron my dad's shirts. I spent like two hours to iron all the shirts. My hands become stiff after that. Now I can feel how tiring it must be for my mum to do all the stuffs everyday. 

*Comment from Pn Irni was :
"He..he..he.. It's not easy being a mom!"

**I did all the works that time bcs my mum was on her umrah

I ended writing my journal after the 33th. So here..

Journal 33 - Stress Overload 
You surely can know what I meant by 'stress' right? It relates very well with exam. It is.. yes exam week. 
This time, I had Mid-Term-Test. It was harder than usual because it concluded Form 1 and Form 2 subjects. Too many things to remember. 
I made preparations a week before but they are still weren't enough for me. I had to sleep late everyday. At some nights, I don't even took a blink. I went to school like a zombie. I developed panda eyes. I looked 'cute'

After this journal, I don't have any ideas what to write anymore. Lagipun, dah busy gila dgn trial lah, itu lah ini lah. Maleh nak menghadap dah journal ni. Sorry teacher, still remember cikgu ckp nak semua sekali 50 journals by the end of the year. Tapi he he he tak hantar. And I think most of my classmates pun tak hantar jugak. Yay ada gang.

Judge my grammar. Judge my language. Judge whatever you want. Idgad.

p/s : Tgh bengang sebenarnya twitter tak boleh on tak tahu kenapa. Jadi ter-merajinkan diri untuk tulis something dkt blog and tetibe ter-ada pulak idea nak tulis pasal ni.
