This scares the shit out of me..

Assalamualaikum. Actually I had no idea what to write. It's been two months I guess I haven't update this blog. Too busy, too empty life is to me. Nothing to share. I really lose that mood to tell a story about something.

Ok but now it's holiday bebeh! So of course I will spend most of my time in front of the pc. Hehehe heaven.

Hm back to le topic. What scares the shit out of me? EXAM.

It was last week. I was like a zombie during that week. Well I mmg suka study last minute. Every night, I slept at 3 something. Studied like hell even dah terangguk angguk tergeleng geleng baca buku. Hohoho I am following the study hard's way. Idk how to study smart. I tried but then at any time, I stopped. I'm back to my original. Study last minute.

I hate things liddis. Baca kemain banyak, hayati, hafal semua. Tp yg keluar, 3 to 2 quetions je pasal apa yg I study tu. A good example is Sejarah's paper. Soalan pasal form 1 and form 2 keluar smpai number 6 je. It's okay, it's okay at least I dapat jugak review balik chapter tu sbb mmg dah lupa hilang mana entah dlm otak ni.

Number 7 to 50 ha hambik kau keluar Form 3 Chapter 1 and 2. I was lucky I focused the most on those chapters.  If not, baca sepintas lalu je, apa nak jawab?

 I've received two papers, Seni and Maths paper 1. Alhamdulillah they turned out pretty good. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I can't wait to get all my papers. But wait no, I prefer holidays! Takpe kut kalau cuti je memanjang, tak dpt paper pun takpe. Ceh pun boleh.

I expect mesti hancur habis result kali ni. Ramai sgt competitor. And kebanyakannya rajin-rajin belaka nak dibandingkan dgn I. Ranking dlm class mesti turun jauh. Hmphmph gheda je lah.

Ok bye. Simple post, no pictures. Assalamuaikum.


  1. I was like a zombie during that week.
    Takpe kut kalau cuti je memanjang, tak dpt paper pun takpe
    comment:sangat setuju!

  2. the thing that scares the shit out of me is THE RESULT :(

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
